Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2nd Rants

Before I go on about todays rants, I found out that creating a title for my daily rants will be a challenge. Should I be numbering them like today, or should it be close to the topic I'll be ranting about. Its painful to blog.

Well a few things first. Those close to me knows that I've been on a look out for a place to move into. What with the crazy property prices and the insane asking prices it is totally impossible. What is Sillypore turning into? Locals are finding it hard to get a place to call thier own, while foreigners just buys up every plot of available land they get thier hands on. I just want a roof over my head, a few shillings in my pocket and I'm good to go. Being contented can be so easily achieved if one just sticks his head into the ground. Then again, look for soft ground.

I had insomnia again last night. No thanks to the Missus who insisted on watching some sillyporean made program about 'school grass school flower' champion. DOH~ I did manage to fall asleep but as she switched channels, I woke up to my dismay and knew I would never fall asleep again.

Off I went to the living room, turned on CNN and viola~ I knew I had a major rant for today. A 13yr old girl commited suicide over someone she met in myspace after an argument. She only knew the guy only a day earlier. Sending love messages and watnots UNDER the supervision of her parents. There was a huge argument and after turning to her mum (who got pissed with her over her language and attitude) she ran up to her room and left this pathetic world. Ends up the 'guy' in myspace was actually a neighbour. The neighbour who had a 13yr old girl wanted to know why she quarreled with her own daughter. Yes a mother, who destroyed another 13yr old.

Rant is, have human beings become so weak, that visiting psychiatrist are a norm? Have human beings become too obsessed with what others think about them that they need constant attention? Which then brought me to the not too long ago incident of Singaporeans falling to dengue fever, and some FT (foreign talents) the government employed said, Sillyporeans are too clean and healthy therefore more susceptible to dengue. DOH! you mean you don't get dengue in dirty unlivable places? You pay top dollar to get slapped in the face and you say Thank you. Welcome to Sillypore.

Have I unknowingly turned into the soft 'I NEED ATTENTION' and therefore started to blog? I surely hope not.

I have a close friend, Gerard. Whenever he is sick, he never sees a doctor. IRREGARDLESS of how bad it is. His motto, What that does not kills me, makes me stronger. I'm not asking everyone to be like him, because that's being too extreme. But damn, is he strong.

So are we a pampered lot? Or have I become the minority who never had the experience of being pampered (besides the age of 0 - 11)

Conclusion is that, Yes, human beings in general have become weak. Knowledge being all powerful have turned into a weapon of mass destruction.

Tomorrow, I'll rant about should one advertise thier own blogs? Now.. why did i started a blog?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting.
nice blog