Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Blues

No not the music genre but the Missus. Have to add she's doing particularly well as I'm putting up this blog.

Baby Jacob is in the hospital for jaundice treatment and will be back tomorrow before 12pm. Missus fever has also went down and feeling better.

The silver lining of Jacob not being around is the much needed sleep and rest the Missus needed, so maybe thats why she's not so blue now. 

I do miss the little bugger, I particularly enjoy his expressions and his cries when he wants milk. Like all other babies when they want to be fed, they will cry like the whole world is against them. Jacob being the soft whimpering cries makes him looks so pitiful. LOL

Brought the Missus to the hospital during lunch to have her breast fed Jacob and also to allow her to hold him for that hour. She's taking it really well surprisingly. 

So here's another picture of Jacob being well fed, contented and without a care of this world.

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