Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Updating this 'blog'

Yes, its been helluva long time, readers and I'm sure most of you have stopped coming in.

All due respect to bloggers who updates thier blog everyday or every other day. It sure takes lots of discipline and sometimes I guess I understand thier responsibility to thier readers.

There's plenty in my mind this time, so this will get wordy. Firstly, a little bird flew in and told me that our dear good friend who stays near Vancouver might be able to come to Sillypore! Woots!!! I hope she'll come to work for us during her little stay. :)

I've just recieved a nice email in regards to our CPF (Cannot Pay Forever) about the draw down age to 65. I think the gaberment has failed to answer WHY would anyone in thier right mind want to WORK till 65 IF they can afford to retire. The slant that the PAP is giving is that people wants to work till 65 because they like to. They have failed to realise that people CANNOT afford NOT to work till 65 or more because of the hefty house loans and high cost of living. Irregardless of all thier statistics, pure fact is that no old folks want to be working as dishwashers or other menial jobs. And they are doing it now because they don't have a choice!

Lets not even argue about annuity....

Of course if they are all in the position of our beloved LKY, where he works with his mouth, then all old folks will gladly work till 85 for his salary. Actually for half his salary. err wait, for 1/4 of his salary, Wait... I think singapore old folks will be very happy with 1/8th of his salary.

PAP has also failed to answer this question. Since their salaries are pegged to CEOs and watnots minusing some obscure %age, CAN US the Citizens who are like the shareholders, SACK non performing ministers?

Sillyporeans who doesn't want to be silly should start asking such questions and asking them louder, if not we'll always be sillyporeans and one day *Yikes* become stupidporeans.

Oh by the way, i'm hunting for an accounts girl to takeover a girl who has just resigned. Because I can't afford to pay some rich ass bastard in the UK, I've to settle for someone locally. So if any of you readers are interested in the job, drop a comment and I'll keep it away from view.

This blog took me 6hours to write, because I was interrupted countless times by idiots.

Till then, take care and have a nice week ahead!

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