Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Rants

So hows your weekend? Did you.. like me... just became a couch slug, hogging onto the remote control and feasting your eyes on programmes you'd probably would have laugh at if your mates told you they watched it?

What makes weekends so important? That girlfriends, boyfriends and families demand that you spend your time with them.. Is it that there will indeed be quaility time during the weekends and one can't get quality time during a common weekday?

I love my wife. She's forever working. But whenever we feel that we need quality time, we just stay up in bed and talk and talk and talk and.... talk... and talk..... and talk.. there's never ending topics to talk about. Sometimes revisiting history again and again and it never gets bored. Well to put right some people, I love her not that she's forever working, what i meant was, even though she's forever working, I love her all the same.

Maybe one day will come when she brings the bacon home and I, the man, would just be a couch slug. A snail, an invertebrate, in comatose on the sofa, hogging the remote control. Just give me cable, Internet and Food, lets not forget cigarettes or cancer sticks.

I'm amazed at my Missus pretty frequently, even though we've been together for 3 years or more. To say she's independent would be far fetched, but she's not far from it. She has her own strong ways and yet sometimes she's so weak, she needs protection. Sometimes she says the darnest things and she likes 'cold' jokes, which to me are.... DOH~ but since it tickles her, I learn to share it with her and let her share it with me.

Sometimes I miss her so much till it hurts. Even though we see each other everyday. Sometimes hearing her breathe when she sleeps gives me comfort. When she laughs the whole world laughs with her, when she cries, my whole world shatters. Sometimes she's infuriating, sometimes she's just plain silly. To have her is like a dream. Thank heavens I'm with her.

Anyway after that mushy stuff, after the football match yesterday, I happened to tuned into Star Movies (Chinese) and a korean drama was on. So much poems.. some was pretty sweet,

You do your own things,
Forever thinking that I've not caught you looking at me.
Thank you for noticing me,
I hope you've not caught me looking at you.
You are like the beautiful fish in the ocean,
Swimming your way.
I am the ocean,
Letting you have your way.
Would you mind if I swam with you?

There were plenty more poems they used and all were sweet and touching. As i was surfing the channels, I missed quite a bit of the show, shucks. And I couldn't remember the title of the show.

I hope you guys had a beautiful weekend.


Anonymous said...

Action speak louder than words!
I want to see ur changes
It's wonderful to spend the rest of life with u as well.

Unknown said...

Glad you had a good weekend...1-0 to the Arsenal!

Am really looking forward to hanging out with you and the mrs in march.

you take care of yourself and have a jolly merry xmas.