(I'm so cute and adorable, Bite me)
Not sure what got into me today and I'm in a foul mood as hell. Nope its not the lack of sleep nor is it nicotine withdrawal. Hell no.

Not sure what got into me today and I'm in a foul mood as hell. Nope its not the lack of sleep nor is it nicotine withdrawal. Hell no.
Its more to do with work at the moment and I'm hell pissed with irresponsible partners. Sadly I've to admit I got cheated into dealing with them. Thank goodness they aren't the only one in the market, I'm just pissed with the whole effort wasted.
We'll see what the team can spin around this evening.
Oh its not about me why you came into my blog? What? Jacob is more important? Well he can start a blog on his own then. SHEESH.
(Missus always insisting he has beckham hair)
I sort of missed carrying him yesterday coz I was home really late and he was just sound asleep according to the missus. Jacob was awake from 7pm - 11pm refusing to sleep and had his 2.5hours feeding before going to bed. Anyways I manage to carry him this morning before coming to work.
Here's a couple of pics. Enjoy. isn't he a cute little bugger?
(the I'm perplexed look, MUMMY I don't wanna be an ABC)
(Whatcha staring at? Wanna get beaten up?)
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