Monday, September 8, 2008

Blues and Yellows

Yup it was blue yesterday, Yellow gone today. Doesn't make much sense, so does the rest of my blog anyway. 

Jacob is back from the hospital after his jaundice treatment so the missus is all well and lively today. For me, its just back to wiping backsides. The weekend without Jacob was actually a blessing in disguise like I was saying yesterday. So lets see what challenges are being brought on from today.

I'm back at work and tons of things to do. Jacob nearly gave me some luck in the 4d thingy where I could have won $4150. I used his birth certificate number and the first prize was just missed by 1 miserable number. Oh Well, thanks anyway Jacob, I know you tried. It could have paid for your hospital fees. 

My earlier post about fatherhood stated that I shouldn't be boasting about my baby, but damn this is not a boast but really a bewilderment. That bugger is exactly 1 week old and he can turn himself on the BED. Damn it, I'm ranting about the danger he is posing himself more than the strength he has. Imagine a 7day old baby suffocated to death due to his neck strength making him lie face down. EERIE~~

Anyway the whole family is happy (yes including me) that he's back to give us more problems. Parenting is indeed about learning. Learning how they learn things and at the same time they are teaching us on how we should learn things. Confusing? Well read it slowly and UNDERSTAND.

I'll leave a couple of pics for Jacob's Godpa, who incidentally said, 'He (Jacob) looks lovely, thankfully he doesn't have your ugliness" KNN that smelly Chan Ho SINGH pok kai. Can imagine Jacob turning into an ass just like him. Maybe I should strangle him now before he grows up to be like his Godpa. 

(Bewildered by Grandma)                       (Pertubed by Grandma's statement)

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