Ok then, so a big thank you to Paul for buying the whole suit for Jacob's first big day. Somehow I feel sad knowing that Paul won't be able to join Jacob during his 1st year.. Who knows if things work out maybe I can bring Jacob to the UK instead. Here's Jacob looking absolutely smashing.
(Jacob all ready to be in the 1st team)
The party was really great except everyone seem to come at 1 big go, even though the information was 12pm to 4pm everyone just.. decided to come at 2 which made me really busy. Missus had her own friends over and she was really busy entertaining her own friends and I had to entertain my friends AND relatives from all the households. Paul was being really good, sitting there and trying to takeover part of my job. And I really like the picture below.
(Godpa trying to clean up the messy eater)
(Paul not getting any luck with Jacob as he looks lovingly on at the BRAT)
The party is over and the shifting (thank God) is over. I'm now officially residing in an HDB flat which I'm getting to terms with, not that I haven't stayed in 1 before but after such a long time, it does take some getting used to, like being more careful with security and privacy.
(Jacob watching F1)
Jacob was at his full brattish behaviour yesterday and its the first time I've seen the Missus getting pissed with him. He just simply refuse to sleep or he just eats non-stop which doesn't make sense because 4 hours of feeding non stop is weird. See, what happens is he eats and then dozes off and when put to bed, he wakes up and starts kicking up a fuss and starts looking for the nipple.
The missus frustrations are definitely not just due to Jacob too. I'm at fault just as well and its things that I have to change which Missus is sweet to let me know. Thats why she broke my heart a few times when she got frustrated with Jacob and me. Sorry my dear. That's also why even after the move after being so bloody tired I tried to make it up to the missus as much as possible.
(An angel at sleep, a devil at 4am daily without fail)