Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Reds

I hate Mondays. Absolutely. Nope, no question about it. I know some of you sadistic fools LOVES Mondays and you go, whats wrong with Mondays? It most probably mean you're some rich ass debt free lucky ass and i so envy you. *HMPH*. yes you who listens to Suze Orman when she says NO you cannot afford it and you actually listen to her.

Anyways had the usual Monday morning meetings and I'm constantly being reminded to keep my temper. But sometimes its so hard especially if you are repeating yourself every other week. I don't blame anyone actually. We're just humans and we do forget things and we do ignore obvious foolhardiness. But we must really constantly remind ourselves. I'm as guilty as my staff in forgetting things, but its unfortunate I got an elephant of a memory. I pretend to forget things, or the term 'selective memory'. I even have 'selective anger'. Lets face it, who doesn't?

Do we treat everyone the same? Some women treat thier boyfriends/husbands worse than they treat thier friends, some treat thier parents way better than anybody else. Because of such behaviours we have selective feelings/emotions. If your lover says you are fat, it hurts more than a stranger who says you are fat. Geddit?

Women are such.... never mind. We just love our women anyway.

Which brings me to vulgarities. When we watch a movie, we hear the F word all the time and we are ok with it, but when someone spouts it, ooh this guy is so vulgar and its as if he/she commited the gravest sin ever. SUCH HYPOCRITES. F**k YOU! ya take that. HMPH! Speaking of which, anyone of you realise that Taiwanese and Cantonese vulgarities have a nicer tone than the Singapore hokkien vulgarities? Its as if they are singing a nice lullaby while in fact they are screwing your ass with a hot iron rod with a poker at the end and a vibrator at the start.

Who here subscribes to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me". Well BULLSHIT. Words said in the right way may melt hearts, but use it wrongly, you'll make an enemy so fast and furious you wish you were never born.

Thats all for Monday's rants. Shut it and ********* YOU!

* love
** love you
*** love you much
**** love you very much

you get the picture.

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